Makers of Color | Shanice Laughlin

Makers of Color | Shanice Laughlin

Posted by Deveter Brown on

Hey Furls Fans,

Welcome to week 2 of Furls' Black History Month profile of Makers of Color.

Be sure to check out our interview with Toni Lipsey.


Today we'll talk to Shanice Laughlin, is a military wife who has been crocheting for roughly 6 years. When people discover that her husband is in the military and that they were dating long distance for 3 years, she is asked what she did while he was gone. Her answer is, “I made a very conscious effort early on in our relationship to help ease the feeling of loneliness and constant worry for his well-being while out at sea. I decided to learn how to crochet in hopes to alleviate the stress”. Six years later, crochet is still her favorite hobby whenever she needs a little "me time".

Deveter - Shanice, thank you so much for agreeing to chat with us here at Furls. We absolutely love all of your amazing designs and knew we wanted to feature you during Black History Month. Crochet is certainly a skill that many use to relax or have “me time”. What makes your crochet unique and special?

Shanice - I started designing patterns a year ago to reflect my personality. I truly love being creative and thinking of ways to have my patterns reflect that! I typically design with texture in mind. I love a simple design that uses a special stitch to really make the design stand out.

Deveter  – We are so thankful that you decided to pick up your hook and design. What is your favorite hook to create with?

Shanice - I really love the Streamline Galaxy hooks! I often find myself purposely choosing a pattern just so I can use my Furls hooks!

Deveter – You know we love hearing that!!!! What do you believe is the mission behind your crochet?

Shanice - To create smiles and memories. When I'm crocheting a gift for someone, I typically get to hear the backstory. Oftentimes, it's for a loved one. Whether it's a birthday, a newborn, or a “just because” gift, I'm always honored to be a small part in someone's day and knowing my work holds meaning to a loved one is very special to me.

Deveter - That is absolutely beautiful. Crochet is such a personal craft with love in every stitch. With that in mind what are five words that would best describe you?

Shanice - Free spirited, bubbly, creative, strong willed, determined.

Deveter - Yes, indeed you are certainly all of the above! Lastly, since it is Black History Month; if you could give any advice to a person of color looking to start a fiber-based business or hobby in 2021, what would it be?".

Shanice - Diversity is important in any community, especially the fiber based community. There aren't as many black fiber artists and if there are, they are hard to find. I think there's a stigma about what a crocheter/knitter looks like and it needs to be debunked. The color of someone's skin should not keep them from starting a business or taking up a new hobby. My advice is to dive right in and bring your unique style to the fiber community!

Deveter - That’s great advice! Thank you again for your time today, Shanice.

Readers, I hope this interview has provided you some insight into this incredibly talented maker. Please follow her on social media IG & Facebook, click on her website and download patterns from her Etsy and Ravelry shops.

Check out this live interview with Deveter & Shanice


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